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List of concrete initiatives of the Customer Promise



We have developed our “Customer Promise,” which represents our commitment to customers that we are always thinking from customer’s perspective with the aim of improving our service, and we are implementing initiatives such as the following.


I.Promotion and establishment of “Customer Centricity”.

II.Providing the right advice and solutions to our customers

III.Initiatives for long term relationship with customers


Link to 「Customer Promise」

I.Promotion and establishment of “Customer Centricity”.

【FSA Principle 2,6,7】

1. Embedding the opinions of our customers across the organization

We use the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures customers' attitudes toward a company's products and services, such as choosing them, repeatedly purchasing them, and recommending them to others.

At the NPS Outer Loop Meeting (cross-divisional meeting held every month), we shared customers' voices and discussed issues to be improved as escalation items.

Furthermore, we shared customers' voices with executives, reported the status of improvement actions, discussed future improvement measures, and implemented decision-making.

In 2022, the NPS Forum was held on a quarterly basis, where executives and leaders in the fields discussed ways to promote improvement actions identified based on customers' voices obtained from the NPS survey.

In touchpoints such as call centers and payment, we continued to share the voices obtained from the NPS survey to promote improvement activities centered on inner-loop activities in the field, and use them to improve our services.

Customers' voices were widely shared throughout the Company through Customer Listening to understand customers' requests by reviewing call center histories, etc., and by delivering newsletters regularly.


2.Introduction of Net Promoter Score and System

In 2021, based on the 2020 rNPS results, measures such as the relaxation of the credit card payment limit were implemented. 2022 NPS Forum was attended by management and departments engaged in NPS improvement activities to (1) understand the overall picture of NPS improvement activities, (2) share progress against NPS targets and other information, (3) confirm the effectiveness of implemented actions (3) confirm the effectiveness of implemented actions, (4) clarify the agreement on issues and owners, and (5) adjust priorities.

Since the initial forum in March 2022, additional ones have been held as needed, and discussions have been held including the Management and leaders responsible for actual NPS improvement activities to improve services to customers.

<Cycle to carry out daily improvement from customer's point of view=NPS system>

Cycle to carry out daily improvement from customer

Listen:True customer voice, honest assessment

 Learn:What are the reasons for the score and assessment? What should we do?

 Action:Execute actions for improvement

3.Education and training for our employees

In 2022, we conducted "culture-fostering training for all employees" in the form of e-learning, with the objectives of "understanding our mission and values and provide action guidelines for all employees" and "having the awareness of Compliance over Sales Culture."

By confirming our mission/values and the right course of action set forth in the code of conduct, and by learning the right course of action through case studies based on actual cases that have occurred in MLJ, we have worked to understand the importance of conducting solicitations in line with the original purpose of insurance.


In addition, in order to eliminate regional disparities in the training of new sales employees, we have established a central operation and a system of conducting nationwide training, thereby providing a more comprehensive and higher-level of trainings. We have also implemented regular training for our general sales employees, and continue to make changes to provide higher quality services to our customers.

We will continue our efforts to meet your expectations.


4.Culture to recognize actions and contributions that lead to “Customer Centricity”

①In 2022, we promoted more proactive reflection of customers' voices in system development and initiated actions such as UIUX improvement for existing functions and pages, in addition to enhancement of system functions.

In addition, we regularly sent out Customer Centricity News to all employees, conducted customer listening sessions, and shared the status of NPS scores, issues, and actions underway through internal communication channels.

②We added the "Customer"-related category to our annual performance objective categories and started operation in 2019. Through the operation of the annual performance cycle, the "Customer"-related category has become well established.


5.Understanding of customer needs via customer panels

In 2022, as the number of customers using the digital environment increases, more customers will be able to participate in the customer panel. We have also made progress in systematizing the process of surveys and analysis, and have participated in many projects related to system development and paperless operations to incorporate the voices of our customers.

II. Providing the right advice and solutions to our customers

【FSA Principle 3,4,5,6】

1.Protection of customers’ interest

Transactions that may cause conflicts of interest are identified and categorized in advance, and specific management methods are stipulated in the Conflict of Interest Management Policy and Rules. In order to comply with the “Conflict of Interest Management Policy and Rules,” we conducted training for all Executives and Employees in 2022 as well. We will continue to provide necessary education and training for employees and strive to protect the interests of our customers.


2.Transparency of costs

In 2022 as well, in preparation for the introduction by financial institutions of the "Important Information Sheet" announced as part of the "customer-oriented business operations (fiduciary duty)" in the August 2020 report of the Financial System Council's Market Working Group, we provided new financial institutions handling our products with the "Important Information Sheet" containing necessary information such as fees borne by customers and agency commissions, aiming for its introduction in the financial institutions.

In 2022, we continued to provide useful information to customers by striving to ensure that statements are accurate and not misleading.


3.Strengthen provision of information to customers

In 2022, the global navigation on the Homepage was renovated and updated to a structure that makes it easier to access desired information for different purposes. We are continuing to improve our "Brochure Request" and “Consultation Reservation” forms.

In terms of content, we delivered articles on more general financial and asset-building solutions as well as those related to specific insurance products. We have also made efforts to provide information that meets the customers' needs, for example, by having certain articles appear at the top of results shown by major search engines.

Furthermore, based on the requests from customers, we have made some changes to the screen display of CSVs for single-premium individual annuity insurance (foreign currency-denominated) and single-premium whole life insurance (foreign currency-denominated) on the website for policyholders, "My Page" (hereafter, "My Page").

As a result, customers who purchased a single-premium individual annuity insurance (foreign currency-denominated) or single-premium whole life insurance (foreign currency-denominated) policy can check the CSV converted in yen after subtracting foreign-exchange fee when JPY Benefit Rider is applicable, on the Policy Inquiry Screen of "My Page".

4.More timely and appropriate response to customers

Using a system (data lake) that allows us to manage all customer-related information in one place, including customer contract information and records of details and requests received in person or by phone or email, we continued to predict customers' needs, and in the area of marketing, insurance sales, and in-force policy management, we created a system to promote responses based on our understanding of customers' needs during 2022.


5.Revision of commission structure of solicitation agencies

Based on the results of 2022 agency governance class evaluation, the number of agencies rated "Standard or above" increased from 83.4% for 2021 to 88.0%, reflecting the improvement in the quality of the agency's operations.
On the other hand, for those agencies that scored below the Standard, we worked to improve the quality of operations by working more closely with them and strengthening the guidance/trainings for agencies.

III.Initiatives for long term relationship with customers

【FSA Principle 5】

1.Improvements to My Page

We have begun efforts to promote registration and use of the website (My Page) exclusively for policyholders, which enables two-way communication, and to expand its functions.

We have continued to make efforts to promote registration and use of the website (My Page) exclusively for policyholders, which enables two-way communication, and to expand its functions.

In order to encourage more policyholders to use "My Page," which enables them to follow policy-related procedures 24 hours a day, every day, we have simplified the registration process, resulting in approximately 30% of customers being registered with My Page.

In 2022, the number of policyholders viewing the status of their policies on My Page has increased due to the digitization of the Annual Report and improved investment display for "Mirai wo Tanoshimu Whole Life Insurance." In addition, the number of My Page uses has increased, due in part to increased access resulting from fund switching procedures to new separate accounts for variable life insurance.
As some changes have been made to the screen display for CSVs for single-premium individual annuity insurance (foreign currency-denominated) and single-premium whole life insurance (foreign currency-denominated), customers who purchased a single-premium individual annuity insurance (foreign currency-denominated) or single-premium whole life insurance (foreign currency-denominated) policy can check the CSV converted in yen after subtracting foreign-exchange fee when JPY Benefit Rider is applicable, on the Policy Inquiry Screen of "My Page."


2.Improvement of forms, etc.

At the UCDA Award 2022, MLJ won the “UCDA Award,” which is the top prize, for a product brochure of "Kodawari Foreign-currency-denominated Whole Life." Also, the product brochures of "Kodawari Foreign-currency-denominated Whole Life" received UCDA “Customer-friendly Design” certification.

In order to provide customers with simple and easy-to-understand solicitation materials and policy information, we are holding the Tool Contest called the "UCD Challenge Cup," which started in 2022 and will continue in 2023, to select materials for entry in the UCDA Awards 2023.


3.Application process digitization

In 2022, "Mirai wo Tanoshimu Whole Life Insurance" was added to the products for which digital application is available. As a result, approximately 70% of the total volume of sales has been digitally applied for. In addition, we have digitized the forms that are explained and given to customers at the time of application, such as pamphlets, policy provisions, and cautionary information. This allows customers who have chosen to receive their forms digitally to check the forms they have received at any time on the "My Page" of the policyholders' website.


4.Responsive call center operations

We achieved the highest rank “3 stars” for consecutive seven years from 2016 to 2022 by HDI-Japan with regard to responsive call center operations monitoring. HDI is regarded as the largest membership association in support service industry.

In addition to the coronavirus pandemic, a rapid increase in the volume of incoming calls due to the impact of the foreign exchange market made it impossible for us to fully meet customers' demands. However, we proceeded with the fundamental reform by focusing on the three pillars of 1) control of incoming call volume, 2) expansion of the system to handle incoming calls, and 3) improvement of operator productivity.

We hope to continue to "upgrade our contact center" and receive the award of "3 Star" in 2023 and beyond.


5.Operational reinforcement

In 2022, we continued to promote the use of ePOS and eClaims and the digitization of policy management operations in order to reduce manual processes that are prone to administrative errors. We also introduced navigation tools for operators in our call centers.

Establish a framework for reducing administrative risks across the entire administrative department and engage in activities to systematically address administrative risks.